Why don’t Chat Pile’s incredibly blunt lyrics not bother me but Idles...

Why don’t Chat Pile’s incredibly blunt lyrics not bother me but Idles, a band I like outside of their often blunt lyrics, get on my nerves sometimes?

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>Why don’t Chat Pile’s incredibly blunt lyrics bother me

Sorry I fucked up the grammar

The vocalist's whole shtick is sounding desperate, drunk, and on the verge of crying. I figure that factors into it.

Because it doesn’t come from a place of trying to sound deep. It’s just kinda raw and direct and the delivery matches.

Very well articulated, I'll see myself out.

>Why don’t Chat Pile’s incredibly blunt lyrics not bother me
Freudian slip

just listen to total abuse

Good way to put it. On paper “Why” should make you roll your eyes but goddamn does the singer sell it.

Chat pile, more like Shat pile

This. It fits Raygun's vocal personality so well, I would never expect Chat Pile's songs to be like reading classical literature. Not to say it's low brow all the time, they can definitely put out songs where the lyrics are a bit cryptic but still compelling or humourous.

Because Chat Pile doesn't come off as sloganeering or self-righteous posturing. And besides "Why," Chat Pile's lyrics usually aren't so ham-fisted, instead using storytelling and horror imagery to deliver a theme / message.

ALSO... they don't come off as larping wankers, they are just some good old Okie boys

lol Why 100% makes me roll my eyes theres nothing Raygun can do to redeem those lyrics

The imagery of the lyrics in Slaughterhouse is actually haunting me. I’m not a vegan or animal rights person or whatever but Jesus Christ that song is haunting me and making me feel like shit.

That song is fucking retarded. Absolutely cringe lyrics and message.


what's wrong with them?

I absolutely love the lyrics and delivery on this album, in particular the song "Why?"

literally who?


are you actually fucking retarded? have you heard the fucking song you shit for brains?

I've heard the song, yeah. How about answering the question instead of throwing a spastic meltdown?