What kind of a woman listens to this?

What kind of a woman listens to this?

Attached: Rid_of_Me.jpg (300x300, 41.95K)

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an extremely bitter one who hasn't had a bath in a year

One that I want to marry

stinky bpd art hoes

Why smelly?

pretty much this, but also lesbians

He said, "Wash your breasts, I don't want to be unclean"
He said, "Please take those dirty pillows away from me"

Because she will probably have good taste in music
But unfortunately this is the most likely

do lesbians have good taste in music?

smart sexually frustrated women with serious cases of penis envy
pj doesn't have a lot of female fans, her shows are like 90% dudes and for some reason art hoes never latched onto her

None and we need to keep it that way

Why do we need to keep it that way?

I don’t want women ruining my good time.

But you're listening to a woman who is the one giving you a good time by making music?


Because the album cover is visually smelly

In my experience arthoes tend to smell nice but can sometimes need a man to correct their hygiene habits

t. arthoes and PJ Harvey expert

>t. arthoes and PJ Harvey expert
where do you get your expertise from

I have a doctorate from the University of Life, dual major in tenderly smooching arthoes and listening to PJ


Attached: 500x500.jpg (500x500, 42.47K)

>be PJ
>go to Desert Sessions
>presumably take a ton of booze and drugs
>write this song in 4 minutes
>perform it once only
>it's better than anything 99% of artists will ever put out


bruhhhhh what the fuck did I just listen to that was fuckin amazing
picrel top comment on that vid

Attached: Screenshot_20220730-005846_Chrome.jpg (948x1000, 314.91K)

I've been to jail.

Me too. The food sucked. What does that have to do with this thread tho?

Yeah it's fucking great. It's one of those recordings that's rough as hell but it would suck if practiced and cleaned up for a proper recording. It's something about how raw and frantic it is that makes it a good listen

>hey do you like Rid of Me by PJ Harvey babe