Bands that created a genre but never made a good album thread

bands that created a genre but never made a good album thread

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I don't get the praise this album gets
I don't remember hearing anything really spectacular, plus Im not a big fan of the production or its pace

I don't understand the praise that Nothingface gets either. It's not a bad album but Killing Technology, The Outer Limits and Phobos are so much better.

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Meshuggah's riffs and guitar tone is legendary but all their albums are boring as fuck

Voivod's a band who's praise entirely stems from the context of when their albums came out and how influential they are. That's literally it.
They're not a bad band by any stretch of the imagination but I completely understand why people scratch their heads and wonder why they're so praised.

They were pretty "avant-garde" for 1980s metal standards; of course there's avant-garde metal from the mid 1990s onwards that makes Voivod look completely pedestrian and you can dig up the handful of obscurer 80s stuff like Ruins that are more avant-garde than Voivod were but Voivod was extremely out there and managed to still garner a large enough crowd that they influenced a shit ton of musicians.

Pretty much all prog metal that didn't stem from Dream Theater stemmed from Voivod, for better and for worse, every prog thrash, prog death, dissonant metal, technical metal, most avant-garde metal, djent etc, openly cite Voivod as an influence, or cite bands that cite Voivod as an influence.

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fuck you guys voivod is great

Voivod is just Die Kreuzen but metal

kek I see Voivod is still filtering people to this day

They didn't create shit and they did some very good albums


you first

Negatron is their only good album

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Dimention Hatross is pretty fucking good and not overrated at all.
Voivod's first album is pretty fucking underrated, talk with any cock sucker fan of voivod and they always shit on their early thrash metal years.
The Outer Limits maybe a more commercial album but it's still great so I'd say it goes into the good category.
Keep the rest.

Every time I read what other people say about Voivod they sound like the perfect band that would be my favorite of all time, but when I listen to them they do nothing for me.

I know you millennials don't care but you should realize you make other people feel embarrassed for you.

This is my shit

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imagine having this low self esteem

Saw them live in Baltimore a month or two ago. I came out to support one of the local bands playing (Born of Plagues) and had no idea who Voivod even was. Their music didn't hook me at all but I gotta say their crowdwork was on point and the set was pretty brutal. It's rare to get into such an intense circle pit in such a tiny bar venue.

I bought Nothingface a few months ago because I thought the cover looked cool. Hadn't really listened to metal at all and never heard of the band. I thought it was great and it got me into the genre :)

>created a genre

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