Belly Corgan

>Belly Corgan

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Imagine being 6'3" and still being fat

How many fucking calories are you inhaling a day? Sad

Heavy drinking. 5 beers is like 600 calories. Plus a burger and fries with a soda is 1500. Everything else is just extra calories to pack on.

making fun of people because of their bodies is not fun-. grow up

-martin richards

Are those arm tattoos real or fake?

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it's a long sleeved shirt you goober

Is this why they call them "full sleeve tattoos"?

The guy is pushing 60. Color me shocked he has a gut.

Should have group killed with Kurtis while he was still pretty.

user you're making me feel bad about my saturday

Who plays a blue guitar???

He actually looks good for a middle aged, bald dude. He just can't get rid of the gut, I saw him live nearly 10 years ago and he already had it back then. He's monstrously talented too. Just a shame about the weirdo political opinions.

take the Any Forums pill

belly corgan

is cutting off beer really gonna do miracles?
i'm meal prepping mon-fri and only eating yoghurt + cereals and a bit of fruit in the morning and stuff like salad + protein or steamed veggies + protein in the afternoon and i'm still fat as shit
but yeah my saturday consisted of a burger and 6 beers unironically

>He's monstrously talented too
like, what, is he a fantastic guitar player? sing bettern than everyone else?

>weirdo political opinions.
why would you care about this? what kind of fucking mental illness makes you look up and judge people's politics?

captcha: NOTOKV

yeah user beer is the worst

Great songwriter and musician. Perfect ear for melody. And like Reznor, he played most of the instruments on his best albums.

I like his music, so I'm interested in his views as a person. I do the same with writers and artists I like. Most people want to know more about the minds of their favorite creators, hence why interviews and biographies are ao popular. Try to be less of a whiny dork.

sounds like you're one of those mentally ill freaks who needs to find problems where there aren't any to make up for their own perceived privilege.

also lol calling someone whiny immediately after crying about whatever billy corgan's politics are lmao, fucking zero self-awareness.