Did this make chudcels piss and shit themselves in anger?

Did this make chudcels piss and shit themselves in anger?

Attached: viagra-boys-cave-world.jpg (1181x1181, 470.62K)

I'm sure they listened to it.

Crappy lyrics.

The lyrics are so fucking stupid meme garbage I hate them

almost, this just makes me feel old. this was the type of thing hipsters were into when i first "got into music" and that was 12 years ago. why is it already getting a revival?

you dont like fun if you cant like this band, also who cares about lyrics for a tongue in cheek punk pand


i'm a chud and after going out of my way to listen to something i knew i wouldn't like i can say that yes, this angered me. When he said people like me were cavemen and dumb and stupid i had to throw up my hands and say "yeah you got me." I don't know how i'm gonna recover

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>i'm a chud and after going out of my way to listen to something i knew i wouldn't like i can say that yes, this angered me. When he said people like me were cavemen and dumb and stupid i had to throw up my hands and say "yeah you got me." I don't know how i'm gonna recover

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I am a communist

Not real communism.

>le return to monke stop vaccine chips I have ADD
This shit will be dated sooner than Idles


Read Debord, Stirner, Vaneigem, Postone and Kurz

What being terminally online on twitter and breadtube does to your brain

someone's salty

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viagra soys

Read the Mahabharata, the Upanishads, the Brahma Sutras and the Bhagavad Gita.

It's just a needle bro no need to be scared

Soi garbage for cucks

Nah nobody cares, people hate Fantano mainly so anything he gives gives a high score they will say is shit. Which it is.