Holy shit AOTY

Holy shit AOTY

Attached: queen.jpg (1080x1080, 142.54K)

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It's so fucking good and so fucking important. Bow down.

Is this gonna be one of those things where I hate an artists entire career and in one fell swoop I'm converted?

Attached: 1658995569620152.jpg (719x721, 308.43K)

Anyone have a download link for the leak or a torrent?

its crazy how much influence k4000 had on this project production-wise

post link

yeah it's a great album

link plox


Thanks darlin'.

Imagine the horse is full of BRRAAAAPPP.

Huh, kinda odd that Drake and now Beyonce both going the dance/house route. Do they know something we don't

this album isnt bad sonically, but like whats the point exactly? hip-house for normies. normies worship this? what are they worshipping? nothing ambitious happens here. i wont be tricked into thinking an AG Cook hire is 'interesting', its the same old shit thats came out for a decade.

>Do they know something we don't
the opposite, a desperate attempt to catch up with the club kids. normies have tried to appropriate clubbing post-covid because they spent all their formative years as a wagie on tik tok

>AG Cook is on this
…I will now listen to your album

can you recommend some interesting albums? I'm probably going to make a thread anyways but I saw your post first and I'd like to hear your thoughts

Modjo - Modjo


I think so

Can't wait for it. I love Nicki.

Mother Bey delivered, as usual!