Would you consider Mew to be post-hardcore?

Would you consider Mew to be post-hardcore?

Attached: Frengers-cover.jpg (1420x1420, 298.26K)

fuck. totally forgot about these guys. what's their best album?

Probably Glass Handed Kites or No more stories.

fucking never. are you daft?
their 3 album run of frengers, glass handed kites, and no more stories is so good I like them all equally desu

Is Frengers really that different, in its base components, from Saosin or Shiner?


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If the guitars were 10% more distorted you would think so too.

anything else you'd like to add?

Lee Harvey Oswald was innocent.

now you're starting to make some sense here

Dream pop. Not even close to post-hardcore.

It's not dream pop at all.

its alt rock. a term hated by so many that no one knows what it means anymore
for samefag purposes I'm


Progressive Emo Pop

Glass handed kites is amazing.

Plus Minus is highly underrated
Visuals was forgettable though

yeah visuals kind of sucks but there are still some great tracks there. that's the mew magic baby

I consider them utter garbage


they're metalcore bro