Who was actually in the wrong here?

Who was actually in the wrong here?

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miles teller just has one of those faces that makes you irrationally angry so i get it

The worthless, friendless, faggot-lipped little piece of shit

miles teller looks like kyle rittenhouse

ngl, didn't expect to reach consensus so quickly.

and that's a good thing!

this movie sucked so bad lmfao

I can sympathize with Miles wanting to be "one of the greats". Sometimes I daydream about leaving my LTR for that reason.

Miles Teller is the goat. fuck yall on.
Fletcher was wrong

problem is that if you want to be the best, there must be no compromises. you work and you work and you work forever and MAYBE it pays off. you need skin so thick you actually can't function among normal people.
teller was weak. he only thought he was ready to sacrifice everything to be number one. he wasn't, fletcher made him see it and teller couldn't handle it.

piss off, miles

Teller. Should have just played to Fletcher's fucking tempo. Like, bro, what is this, amateur hour?

fuck you i was in top gun maverick motherfucker respect me

this. piece of shit movie, complete waste of time

not with that cheesy fucking mustache, no

fletcher, only the most massive of faggots devote their lives to playing standards. he should consider killing himself for not helping young men become great composers instead of fags who only play the most boring standards ever composed.

How can you expect to play above and beyond if you can't even tell if you're RUSHING or DRAGGING

It had lots of stupid parts, but Simmons' performance and the music saved it for me

im sorry friedn but i must reported you rfor this rthread inshalla

The bald guy's approach to motivating the other guy was so successful that the absolute mad lad actually tried to play drums with a broken hand. The only problem was that it's not actually physically possible for a human to do that. If baldie was really as clever as he thought he was, he should have identified this issue and changed his approach in that situation.