What's the saddest sounding instrument?

What's the saddest sounding instrument?

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My cock

electric guitar

theremin, unironically

This guy’s penis.

the flugelhorn

already said that one

Great video
This group is going places
-Chuck Mangione

it's the violin you cucks

Synthesizers are the most expressive and best instrument, so they can be both the most sad and melancholic as well as the most energetic and happy. ^^

Maybe the organ? The saxophone is great for blues jazz though

it's the violin you cucks

Idk every time I hear the organ I get a sense of impending doom.

At least this answer makes sense, unlike these retards

Synthesizers are sterile, unlike the gaping wound in your crotch

Honestly that's not wrong.



it's the violin you cucks

Sterile? Tf does that even mean. Listen to Burial and SAW vol 2. It's so emotional and human. Also I don't want bottom surgery, I'm a top. Why do transphobes always assume everyone wants bottom surgery? Most of us are fine with our junk

Attached: 6.png (465x262, 158.28K)

Do you play the violin or something? Why are you so uptight?

