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It's a fine album, not top 10 Bowie tho

List your top ten

One of his best albums.

Slip Away best track?

1. Hunky Dory
2. Station to Station
3. Ziggy Stardust
4. The Man Who Sold The World
5. Scary Monsters
6. Low
7. Young Americans
8. Aladdin Sane
9. Diamond Dogs
10. "Heroes"

>Young Americans
>Diamond Dogs
>Man Who Sold the World
>Missing Outside, Earthling, Heathen, Next Day and Black Star

Not him, but the three 70s albums are objectively better than Outside, Earthling and The Next Day.

>tfw lodger clicks

One of his worsts
Unironically better than OP
Maybe top 15, but Reality is also there
>The Next Day
Hit or miss album, mediocre
>Black Star
It's at 12th place, right under Lodger


>outside one of his worst
holy filtered

*train whistles in the distance*
*drum machine starts up*
oh allo
how are you doing my little wonder you?

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MUH KNOWLEDGE, any certaintychads still around this place?

1. Station to Station
2. Aladdin Sane
3. Man Who Sold The World
4. Blackstar
5. Heathen
6. Hunky Dory
7. Earthling
8. Low
9. 1. Outside
10. Ziggy Stardist

scary monsters should be in the top 3

am i the only who thinks outside is one of his best? voyeur of utter destruction and I'm Deranged are peak kino

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Based. Heathen is extremely underrated. Same with Earthling

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>told David Grohl to fuck off in a letter because the movie he wanted him on was shit
>Declined working with Chris Martin telling him the song "wasn't his best"
>Declined knighthood twice
>instructed his ashes be spread in Bali according to buddhist traditions, excluding any family or friends
too based, no wonder he left in 2016

It was better than Hours but far from his best. But in all fairness you'd have to try really hard to make something as bad as Hours

Are you retarded or something?

1. Station to Station
2. Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps)
3. Low
4. Young Americans
5. Aladdin Sane
6. Buddha Of Suburbia
7. Lodger
8. Hunky Dory
9. The Man Who Sold The World
10. Earthling

Any questions?

Yes, why is Young Americans on there? Have Lets Dance replace it