Cradle of Filth is not black metal, and that's a good thing. They surpass the genre

Cradle of Filth is not black metal, and that's a good thing. They surpass the genre.

Attached: cradle.jpg (2973x1487, 1.46M)

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they suck

they're certainly no evanescence

dusk and her embrace is a good album, the rest is overrated

black met al is piss and shit, cradle of filth is too based for those queers

stopped being good after damnation and a day. shit, I might listen to them again, it's been years

not quite..

true, they're more like mallgoth rock

My exact sentiment. Damnation and a Day was their last good album. I don't understand why everyone was so obsessed with Nymphetamine.

For a long time i thought the IT Crowd just made up the most ridiculous sounding tryhard edgelord bandname possible, I shouldn't have had such an optimistic view with metalfags

Their music sounds horrible but it's actually quite beautiful

because it's too fun for metalheads

you are gayer than cradle of filth

I don't like how 2nd from the left is looking at me

u scared indie boi

they're cringe metal

Dani Filth lk had one of the best voices in metal.


It's the only black/death metal that isn't pure trash.

Damnation and a Day is probably the best extreme metal album ever written, though. Not even joking. The arrangement and composition are absolutely superb and it feels like every song is gnarly riff after gnarly riff.