Master of Puppets

Been seeing an increase in Zoomers flying by blasting Metallica because of the scene in GAYer things where that guy gets clapped by small bitch bats
This is the world we live in

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>Been seeing an increase in Zoomers flying by blasting Metallica
based zoomers

user you sound like a fag. stop trying to gatekeep the most known thrash metal album of all time

Metallica has always been surface level, entry level poser shit anyway, who fuckin cares
Their goldfish attention spans will forget about it in a couple weeks anyway

Commenting on what I see equates to gatekeeping? It would literally be impossible for me to gatekeep Metallica. Are you retarded?

Yeah they're surface/entry level but their good stuff is really good. I wouldn't really call them "poser shit".

masterpiece from stranger things

Don't be a dope, you know what that user is saying... you're going all emo with the "This is the world we live in" shit just shut up and let the zoomies enjoy the music

>boomers are malding cause zoomers are listening to the most popular metal band in history and a beloved cult pop star because of a netflix show

Begging ya to have sex pal

They haven't had sex for 30 years, dick won't work and wife's too busy with her tennis coach Tyrone so they use their pent up sexual anger to lash out on zoomers

Fuck you explain to me what he meant then dope
No one said they can’t enjoy music
I just find it funny how trends catch on with zoomers
Yeah cause you lot are the real sex magnets lol

>you lot

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Read into the semantics are you want pussy haha

OP when he sees someone enjoying music

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only battery is good the rest is dragged out boring garbage
fuck metallica and fuck this album

I think it’s metal fans in general. Biggest cry babies

>oi toimey woimey blibbidy bloobidy bongo wongo

Poser detected

oh no, gatekeeping in METAL?
it has always been so inclusive and welcoming, what happened :(

This album is the Nirvana "Smells like Teen Spirit" of heavy metal. It brought heavy metal to its knees, and castrated it mightily. It is, then, by definition, the most damaging, counterproductive, and overrated LP ever to be released. Even standing it up on its own, and not letting it poison the minds of those that came after it, I wouldn't even put it in the top 10 most influential thrash releases of 1986... it's easily killed by the unholy trinity of Darkness Descends, Reign in Blood, and Pleasure to Kill, which pushed the envelope of metal in three different, related directions. It's not anywhere nearly as enjoyable as expatriate Mustaine's Peace Sells, which was technically brilliant and a whole barrel of fun too, or as dark as Possessed's sophomore effort, or Sepultura and Sodom's full-length debuts. It's not nearly as punk-as-fun as Nuclear Assault's first. Then I could throw in fifteen, if not fifty, other backwash thrash LPs that did nothing for the genre as far as influence goes, but are still a whole fuckload more enjoyable than this one.

if i could i would staple a pair of headphones to your ears and make you listen to the thing that should not be on infinite loop for the rest of your life

as long as they don't fall into the coreshit rabbithole we'll be fine