Why do people jizz over this guy so much? Even Metallica haters...

Why do people jizz over this guy so much? Even Metallica haters. What the fuck could this guy do that literally any other professional bass player can't do? People show footage of him playing bass solos with insane distortion like he's some god that no mortal can replicate. I don't see what's so impressive about him. You could have any other metal bass player playing on the first 3 studio albums and it would still sound more or less the same. Is it just some faggy fart sniffing elitism snobbery like wine testers? Pretending to give a shit about the bass player when he's the least crucial member of the band. I'm not hating on the guy. I just don't think he's that special.

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excellent thread, OP...
keep up the good work!

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he was reasonably talented died a horrible death that he didnt deserve
people respect that, but youre autistic so i wouldn't expect you to get it

at least his death inspired the best Metallica album

Imagine if Lars Ulrich was the one that died on that bus

>What the fuck could this guy do that literally any other professional bass player can't do?
Come up with a memorable bass solo.

Metalheads like to glorify relatively obscure things so they can come off as being knowledgeable and part of something exclusive that "the rest of us don't understand". It's the only way they have to make their lives slightly less shit. Obviously, none of them could ever tell a Cliff Burton line from any other bassist even if their life depended on it.

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Which one? You mean the live snippets of him going up and down the pentatonic scale with so much distortion and wah pedal you can't even tell what instrument it is anymore? Even I can do that..

You're so mad lol

he was important more in terms of songwriting contributions (espec ride the lightning, their magnum opus: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Songs_written_by_Cliff_Burton)
and teaching the other members stuff as he was the only classically trained one

You telling me any bass player could and would have composed Anesthesia?
Even on his playing/performing alone, I think he was pretty unique:

Everybody just wishes Lars died in the car crash instead of Cliff but they don't want to say it out loud

>anyone could replace burton
>metallica immediately goes to shit after burton dies

Mostly because Cliff seemed like a good guy and he really didn't deserve it.

You're right. His death is another Buttallica cope to scapegoat their creativity void after Dave left.

Imagine your face was the one that died

Why are so many "badass" metal musicians christcucks ffs

if by "immediately goes to shit" you mean create their best album ever and then proceed to sell out, you are correct

James Hetfield composed the songs so what fucking dsifference would it make.

I actually agree with OP. He just follows the root notes of Hetfield's riffs. Metalheads don't understand the importance of bass so of course they would worship someone who just makes his bass sound like a normal guitar during solos.

people complain that lars is playing out of tempo, but they literally had to slow down their MoP songs while recording and speed it up cause Cliff couldnt get the timing right