Why did no one tell me he was the greatest musician?

When I was 6 I learned who MJ was, my friend told me he was this black guy that liked sneaking into kids rooms to kiss them! I was terrified by MJ, later I saw his face and was even more terrified. I would literally have nightmares about being molested and I would call my parents to tell them I don't wanna go to sleep because 'Michael Jackson will get me'. I'm now 26 and just now hearing Thriller... holy fuck. This is the best shit I've ever heard. I fucking hate that guy never telling me how amazing his music was.

Attached: download.jpg (259x194, 6.15K)

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Fuck you just reminded me after I watched that Leaving Neverland documentary I was sitting in my room at night listening to Thriller and for some reason I imagined Michael Jackson's face coming out of the darkness like the face from Inland Empire and it scared the fuck out of me

Attached: Inland-empire-2006-1.jpg (1306x734, 43.44K)

Not this shit again

Attached: 5c2.jpg (499x474, 32.75K)

copypasta in 5... 4... 3... 2...

I dont use this board often am I about to trigger some schizo? Im excited

Because he wasn't a musician, he was a singer/dancer

Let this be a lesson to never trust the Jews.


Off the Wall is his best album

he wasn't much of a songwiter either

He beatboxed

>t. low iq faggot that learn how to "play" and instrument but has absolutely no talent when it comes to making songs
MJ completely composed many of his biggest hits, playing an instrument is optional when you have complete songs in your head already

>MJ completely composed many of his biggest hits
name three

>billie jean
>who is it
now name the last three guys you blew

>>billie jean
ok that's one
biggest hits? kek
>>who is it
never heard of it

yeah yeah now on with your list

Mj defenders are the most pathetic brand of soi. Understandable if you’re black if not then rope immediately

what is there to defend? he was the most successful artist of all time, contrarian faggots don't matter

How did I 'cope'? You named one "big hit, Billie Jean"; Dangerous wan't even a single, and Who Is It topped out at #14.

NO, that would be The Beatles. Or Elvis, as a single artist.


I'm surprised he didn't mention "beat it"

when you imply that he was anything more than a popshitter you’re getting into dicey territory

His discography is overrated
>Off White
Some few good tracks like Off The Wall, Rock With You and Girflriend, but generally meh, too much fillers! A problem seen in his entire career
Some great tracks (Beat It, Billie Jean, Thriller), the rest are fillers and that awful song with Faul
The title says it all. Although title track and Smooth Criminal are undeniable classics, the rest falls short, and Man in The Mirror is just flat out bizarre, self indulgent and arrogant coming from a man with a dubious personality at best, so "holier than thou".
Well, there is like 3 hits on this album and they're not even that good, MJ is showing signs of degradation and the production isn't brilliant anymore, Quincy Jones is severely missed.
Here he fell off hard, just one hit and that song in particular is filled with bizarre anti-semitic remarks that probably hurt a lot of people back then, so unnecessary.
The most expensive album of all time and for what? Just pure shit all the way through, not a single recognizable track
So overall i would say he had just 2 good albuns and the rest is mediocre at best.


>make good timeless music
>get called a popshitter by autists that only want to listen to loud noise and garbage indie shit that is self fellating
wow thank god I didn't imply that

Right? Or I Just Can't Stop Loving You.

MJ like most Pop artists was a brand, his name comes first than his music, he couldn't step outside the boundaries of popular music like the Beatles or The Beach Boys did decades before, he was just perfoming the same type of music that some other pop artists were making at the time, it's still the same dose of groovy/disco music that many other black artists did in the late 70's.
He was a great singer and he definitely could dance (which is irrelevant to the quality of his music btw) but he wasn't a composer. The reason we love tracks like Beat It, Thriller and the stuff from Off White so much is because of Quincy Jones and Rod Temperton, these guys were the brains behind the classics, when they are out of the equation all we have is generic stuff like Dangerous and HIStory, still catchy popular music but nothing amazing, do you get my drift?
Musicians like Beach Boys were much more talented and brilliant than Michael Jackson, they created and innovated, they pushed the limits of what was possible at the time, meanwhile MJ just danced and had a nice voice.
His discography is overrated

Based calls it like it is user. Mj was an overrated hack and probable kiddie diddler but midwits were dazzled by his shiny gloves and le ebin backwards walk

>Falling for the pasta.

>probable kiddie diddler
>source: I just know, okay!

The mjfag is huffin and puffin hard in this thread

Michael Jackson, along with the entire fucking Jackson family, are a Cluster B fucking trainwreck circus. Michael absolutely 100% had BPD a completely fucked up upbringing with sexually abusive brothers and father and like many abused, became an abuser himself.
I mean, the fact that even La Toya, the sibling Michael was closest too openly says Michael was a fucked in the head Pedo and even she was abused is evidence enough, let alone all the blatantly predatory behaviours and shape-shifting (both personality and physically another big indicator of BPD) Michael engaged in.
Because BPD and Cluster Bs in general were abused and are very often victims themselves, doesn't absolve them of their psychotic abusive behaviour. Everyone knows Joe Jackson was an absolute textbook ASPD Sociopath and Narcissist and guess what, Cluster B disorders are now thought to be largely genetic.

Michael Jackson was just a continuation of what The Beatles were. A cashcow. It didnt matter if they were any good because the entire was behind them. Only difference being that The Beatles wrote their own songs and were fucked over by their management because they were stupid bongs. MJs biggest strength was that he was a businessman before anything else. A decent mouthpiece of other peoples songs and a shrewd business man who kept a sizable amount of what he made.

Whatever, Satan. That's just your opinion.