JPEGMAFIA and Weyes Blood playing at an NFT festival

>Peggy literally supporting NFTs now
As if these people couldn't sink any lower on the hypocrite scale, JPEGMAFIA and Weyes Blood are playing at an NFT festival called Friends With Benefits

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bloc party fucking sucks

Jpeg sucks kek
Veteran being good was a fluke

I can't believe MC Ride would do that

LP! has some of his best career tracks (HAZARD DUTY PAY!, THE GHOST OF RANKING DREAD!, REBOUND!, even BALD! if u count bonus tracks from EP!)

jpegmafia is trash

what does that have to do with anything?

It’s a paycheck and I doubt he books his own shows. It’s a scam world so what do you expect? You think a guy that ripped the beat for Real Nega and made up a backstory for it would be genuine? He’s a Libra, that nigga lies compulsively.

>ripped the beat for Real Nega and made up a backstory for it
>He’s a Libra, that nigga lies compulsively
you're not lying but lol


It’s basically the whole song with nothing changed. I can’t find the interview for it, but he said he made the beat from scratch because he was “inspired” by ODB and how he was a weirdo before the internet, which was a lie.

Holy shit I thought it was only going to be the beginning part used as a sample but it's literally the whole thing right down to the ODB sample and that part without percussion at the end

How does it matter when he’s made hundreds of other songs

Jeez I had no idea that was all stolen

He'll start incelmaxxing again soon when the money runs out and he manages to burn all bridges
That's what he did before


Reminder Weyes Blood fucked Ariel Pink

>i hate nfts!!
>....except when they pay me
lol do nigs really

>lol do nigs really

Why is this a "nig" thing?

Why do you care if they are playing at an nft festival

I'm sure he'll troll the cryptobros epic style, perhaps by playing some of his music