Kills himself over latina pussy

>kills himself over latina pussy

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>is white
>creates the best nigger albums of all time

jesus fucking christ hes based and floating with the angels while his music blasts for 2 pac and biggie

Attached: macmiller_faces.jpg (910x910, 113.58K)

He killed himself so by Christian law he is burning in the lowest circle of hell.

he wasnt an actual christian. towards the end he was clutching to anything like any person at their lowest would.

Attached: doom.jpg (1400x700, 184.17K)

So he is burning on the lowest level possible. Gotcha.

shit as long as he is rotting with your mother its ok with me :)

My mother is alive and a devout Christian. So that is unlikely.

mac milar


He was Jewish and was buried in an unmarked grave

Fucking worth it


God thing Hell isn't real then, but if it existed you will probably go there as well

Mac Milar

Yeah there's no hell, or God, or Satan, or any of that. That's all fairy tales that anyone with an IQ above 100 outgrew years ago

midwits think they're smarter than all their ancestors and some of the greatest minds of all time

Yeah ok dude I can play this game too
>99.9% of my ancestors weren't Christian
>some of the greatest minds of all time weren't Christian
Not hard

Wew lad, humans were around for 30k years in caves before Christ, most of our ancestors, and the greatest minds of Greece, Rome, etcetera all didn't believe in Christ or hell.
If hell does exist 100% most people are going there. The Bible has so many sins and things people do that piss off God that 99% of the populace is going to hell if it does exist, period. There's a reason only 100k or so people will be raptured and the rest will be left to rot in the apocalypse.
It's funny, because a lifelong Christian will be next to a suicidal rapist in hell over the smallest shit and they'll be seething in the end.

Pete davidson killed him

Fake christians make me sick

the real story is grim

>order drugs from regular dealer
>he doesnt turn up on time
>order drugs and hooker from hollywood madam
>she shows up and a few minutes later so does his orginal dealer.
>now have loads of drugs
>die of overdose in praying position begging god for mercy

turns out his og dealer's drugs were laced with fent, the hooker was the safer option