Crossover thrash

Can anyone recommend some good crossover thrash albums/artists? Got back into the genre a few weeks ago, my favorites are Suicidal Tendencies/Cyco Miko and S.O.D. but I'd like to find some more stuff

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Is D.R.I. worth of checking out?

I've already heard a few of their songs, they're decent

Thanks for the suggestion though user

DRI is great, as Nuclear Assault
I love Cryptic Slaughter and Septic Death
there is more modern bands like Municipal Waste
recently I discovered a new band that is kinda on the same style, they are called Ireful, not bad

Maybe you will enjoy Ratos de PorĂ£o.

Yes but the lyrics are shit commie drivel

We were given the right to bear arms
When our land was all ranch and farms
The law is old and in need of updating
There's no time time for hesitating
Lock and load
We need gun control


check nyc hardcore bands late works

Based ratos enjoyer

any bones brigade album
first two excel albums
agnostic front - cause for alarm
crumbsuckers - life of dreams
leeway - born to expire

more speed metal than crossover but also
carnivore - carnivore

+ 1 for cryptic slaughter and municipal waste

>Nuclear Assault
>Cryptic Slaughter
>Septic Death
Will check them out, thanks
>Municipal Waste
Used to listen to them years ago, still do sometimes
Just listened to them, pretty good
Kek, alright I'll check them out
I can get past the political stuff personally. I like punk a lot despite most of it being left wing shite
Will check them out, heard a lot of good things about cro-mags
>nyc hardcore bands
Such as?

Alright, thanks a lot

Thrash is already derived from punk, "crossover thrash" is a retarded classification

oh and I left out the one I wanted to write first: can't recommend power trip enough

if you like municipal waste ramming speed and insanity alert are really similar (but not as good imo)
not him but for nyhc try madball, overall these bands have a lot of thrash riffs

Sacred Reich
Iron Age
Fearless Iranians from Hell
Demolition Hamme
The Icemen

Cryptic Slaughter
Attitude Adjustment

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LMAO what absolute bootlicking

I've seen a lot of mentions of Municipal Waste and the singer is in another Crossover Thrash band called Iron Reagan which is more of the same.

Also The Accused, classic.

This is the best Crossover Thrash album ever.

I'm not sure I'd called Sacred Reich, Devestation or Demolition Hammer crossover but Devestation - Idolatry is one of the best metal albums I've ever heard.
How they didn't blow up big I'll never understand.

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Cro-Mags are fucking awesome, still are. If you have a chance to see them live, do it. I did and did not regret it despite contracting the chink-flu because of it.

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Both of Ludichrist's albums are pretty good. Also, Aversion's Fit to Be Tied is a lesser known gem.

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