Remember when he was transphobe on twitter?

Remember when he was transphobe on twitter?

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Memory holed

Freudian slip from Jonny Basedwood. He is horrified with what is happening in the world but is too afraid to fully commit and speak out about it. Thom probably gave him some more infusions of high grade onions back in the radiohead camp to keep him sedated once again

Johnny Fatthumb

If you guys used these words less more people would believe in you

but i use those words to describe myself


Transphobe literally means nothing
It's just a term to shame normal people into supporting troonery

Are you dumb? By your standard, arachnophobe means nothing and it's just a term to shame people into supporting spiders. Will you ever use a dictionary for one minute in your life? Later on you will be mad when people use the word "chud" to describe you when in fact they would be right in this case! Jesus Christ man.

L transphobia

You know they made the term transphobic up? People aren't afraid of trannies like they are of spiders. Repulsed maybe.
Nice bait however, you got me.
Chuds also a fake word but I enjoy calling myself a chud because it makes you losers seethe and it reminds me of that 80s monster movie

looks german
looks like bait or a homo retard

he looks like 2012 pewdiepie

no i don't remember and i don't care neither

you're an idiot

No. Please link.

I look quite similar to this faggot except my hair is brighter and i am a kraut so you are probably right. Who is this?

gonna close this thread real quick so i don't learn who this is either see ya

He blamed his big thumbs and said he liked the terf tweet by accident. Thing is, it turned out it wasn't the first time at all and he didn't address it any further

Who is he? Good for him though

Absolutely based
