Is there anything cooler than being a musician?

Is there anything cooler than being a musician?

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ice cold

Sonic Youth isn't cool.
Being a plastic artist is better than being a musician, even in all my music bias.

Driving a max power era Vauxhall Corsa.

a fashion model maybe? and/or designer. then you're fashionable (i.e. cool) by default. breakcore trannies aren't exactly cool, but they're still musicians

Sonic youth is cooler than you

>tfw ywn be as cool as Sonic Youth

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Being a music reviewer

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If you aren't a musician, it seems cool. What it's really like is that you're just an average Joe for 85% of the time, 5% of the time you're just a dude who tells other people that you play / are going to play out, which can feel good but it's pretty mundane, and the remaining 10% of the time, if you're active, you play live and it can feel pretty great. If you don't play out, you feel like a degenerate NEET wasting his life.

It has some pretty good high moments, but it's mostly mundane, unless you start to gain serious traction. Even then, I think people overrate those types of lives, like being a celebrity, or being a politician.

sonic youth is super cool though

reminder that kim threw a fit and ended sonic youth because thurston and lee got signature guitars and she didn't

nah dude, making music is pretty cool, if you get to play gigs and people actually dig your stuff then it is even better

so she was thurston for moore guitars?

they're like the least cool band of all time lol

shut up and go listen to your house music

Probably many many things, musicians are petty, needy, nasty narcissists


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Writing is my favorite part, for sure, but the point I'm making is that it's a lot more mundane when you're in the process, as opposed to people who look at musicians playing out, imagining what it must be like. It's a lot more like being a craftsman working in his garage, in terms of the life, and what it's like as a hobby. Yes, playing gigs and experiencing the adulation of having them go well is good, but it's a fleeting feeling. At most, you have sex with a girl afterwards because you played, which is still a pretty short-lived feeling. The money is a separate affair, and it doesn't really improve your ability to find dateable women much. Lots of trashy whores make themselves available, though.

Sonic Youth literally base their image on being "uncool kids", stop being so assblasted about your denial.


kim gordon is so hot bros

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