Can you outrgrow music? I think I've outgrown music

Can you outrgrow music? I think I've outgrown music.

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I've never liked it

I'm increasingly hitting the wall when I try new music, I haven't had a new 5 star album for over half a year and it's been weeks since the last 4.5. Things are dire out there

you can only outgrow yourself
but only if YOU choose to

You probably just need to try something different.

lmao literally what? outgrow music?

I think you're literally just depressed. your dopamine receptors are shot or some shit.

you should probably get some help on that. you'll enjoy music again after you get that shit fixed

you might just need a break from it from awhile

I'm a truck driver. I've listened to everything from Lawrence Welk, to Katy Perry, to Tony Rice, to Chipmunks Christmas, to low cave noise frequencies. I've heard everything.

At this level, all you're really doing is starting spotify just to check how many of your follows have released a new track today. Usually its less than 10, and you listen to the first 30 seconds of each until you get bored and move to the next. Its a rare day when I hear a new song that (from artists I follow, no less) that I actually am interested in enough to fully listen to. Even rarer to find one I like enough to add to a list so I can listen to it again.

I'm even done with audiobooks and podcasts. Now I just roll the window down and listen to the wind.

You're going to develop a mental illness with all that absolving of society, user

just stop approaching music like a Any Forumstant. the biggest disappoint for me when i finally came here was realizing people have the same taste and barely try to find new stuff. go on rym more and don’t worry about the culture here

believe it or not there is more music out there than the smiths, cocteau twins, and whatever other 20 artists we exclusively talk about

>Now I just roll the window down and listen to the wind.
Based, I also enjoy the sound of my own farts

What music do you listen to? And how old are you? Listen to adult music like ambient, drone, and classical.


Of course you don't, you're in Any Forums!

I've been stuck with the same music for a while

careful user

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>I'm increasingly hitting the wall when I try new music
>Things are dire out there
Yeah, but old music I already like isn't doing much for me anymore either. Maybe its my fault for listening to one of my favorite albums over 300 times one year.

>but only if YOU choose to

>I haven't had a new 5 star album for over HALF A YEAR
>it's been WEEKS since the last 4.5
Bro you're giving 5s and 4.5s like fucking candy, I haven't given an album a 5 star rating in 3 years, several months since the last 4.5. Albums rated that high should be rare.

No, but you can outgrown certain genres

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If you formerly had goals to be a musician, were in some kind of scene, or just associated music strongly with socializing as a teen/YA

I miss when Spotify wasn't the default place people got music. It's definitely better and theres a lot of good music, but every year feels like 5 in terms of songs I like growing "outdated"

nothing changes, no one can change anything, only you can change yourself
space and time are illusory, all that exists is you endlessly, you can change anything if you change yourself
