So, gentlemen, what did we ACTUALLY think of it?

So, gentlemen, what did we ACTUALLY think of it?

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Let me give it a listen first.

Can't say that I was a big fan of it. If I wanted to experience dementia, I'd just get old.

The first two hours are good background music, and I admire the ambition of the last 3 stages, but for the most part its tedious and boring.

despair porn. as bad as the antlers hospice. do you just like feeling bad with no further insight? here you go

Let me give it a listen first.

music designed to kill your soul desu. it's great and well done and the techniques used for the sound design is amazing. it's just made to make dreadfully depressed. idk, the shock wore off after I listened to it all the way once and the more particularly haunting songs like back there Benjamin

A masterpiece, the music equivalent of something like Silent Hill 2
Masterfully crafted with an unreal amount of poignancy and symbolism. Gets across the emotions and despair that its aiming to in spades.
Probably one of the landmark records of this generation. I strongly believe anyone shitting on it is just a contrarian because Zoomers fixated on it for like a week.
t. someone who listened to it as it came out because I was already a fan of The Caretaker

dont you dare debase my beloved SH2 OST like that

painful to listen, in the good way

The Boyhood of music

Annoying that it became such an oversaturated meme

great project, shame it got normie'd

gets boring after some time, people who say "its just like dementia" were self-suggesting or are mentally retarded, i felt nothing

out of the ordinary i mean

It was decent, my biggest complaint the first time I sat down and listened to it all the way through was the sheer length of it, but after going back and listening to the releases surrounding it & getting a feel for Kirby's work as a whole I was able to better understand it.
It could probably be condensed to at least half it's size and retain most of what makes it decent in the first place.

it is currently blocking my path and won't fucking move. stupid ass roll of toilet paper

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it's fine background music (at least the parts that aren't pure noise). can't just sit there and listen to something like this. there's just not a whole lot going on. but the idea behind it is what makes it infamous i guess. if the caretaker never said it was about dementia it wouldn't be such a meme

>not removing the shadow

fuck you cunt you do it then.
I gave it more shadows just to spite you

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I'm not listening to an album that tik tok kids cry to.

pretentious bullshit