ITT: We post music-themed kinos

Don't post fucking musicals please

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I love this doco, hearing stoners ramble about loud guitars and other shit is very pleasing to watch. Its also how i found out about comets on fire.

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Comets On Fire is such a great fucking band that no one even knows about, absolute heaviest shit I ever heard (not counting grating grind shit or microwave noise music)

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Five Easy Pieces

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>inside llewyn davis
Is this a van ronk tribute or something?

you'd only know that if you've seen the movie and researched it so why are you asking?

Scorsese's a big fan of rolling stones. Even included the entire Can't you hear me knocking

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Uhh user...

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stop pretending, youre embarrassing yourself

Take your meds, user

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this movie greatly influenced byhis experience with the Allman Brothers Band.

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Ehhhh, kinda?

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>teacher complains that jazz is dying
>works in a music conservatory

A Hard Days Night for me. The fact that they made a film starring the Beatles in their prime and it wasn't a complete cash grab is admirable