Let me get this straight, you think that Amnesiac is better than Kid A?

>Let me get this straight, you think that Amnesiac is better than Kid A?

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Packt Like Sardines is Radiohead’s best opening track

I was just thinking about that song five minutes ago

I was just thinking about that song

I was just thinking

I was JUST

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I was


wait i was just thinking about that song before i logged on here. I was thinking about those tingly synths... pins and needles... mmmmm...


the Bends is better than any of those shitty albums

knives out is the best song on the album btw

Never put America’s greatest actor in a post that’s this gay, you hear me? Never.
"I Have A Sentimental Weakness For My Children, And I Spoil Them, As You Can See. They Talk When They Should Listen."

Yeah, Kid A sounds overproduced & over-simplified. It has a lot going for it in terms of raw material, but the execution was better with Amnesiac. The music was more engaging & stood the test of time better than Kid A.

You're unreasonable, man. Get off my case.

>Never put America’s greatest actor in a post that’s this gay
He's a coal-burning libtard & of the worst variety. So who gives a shit.

>>go to >>/pol>>

go the fuck back to Any Forums, you fucking faggot

I’ll beat your children like the rotten eggs they are

No, but Knives Out is the best song they ever wrote. Kid A is the more consistent album but Amnesiac has the higher highs.