Playing on a mediocre band will guarantee you top tier pussy

>playing on a mediocre band will guarantee you top tier pussy
How true this is?

Attached: MV5BYWQ2OGIyZTgtZmY5MC00NzY3LTg5NDYtMjdkZjgxZmFhZTMzXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyOTA3ODI3NDA@._V1_.jpg (972x1440, 897.12K)

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sex with mary winstead

playing on a band even if is a shitty one show this:
>has the ability to work with other people
>creative interests
>consistency enough to perform constantly
>some level of status even if is a local band that 400 people know of it demonstrates your involvement in the community
> "rebel" attitude or he does what he wants when he decides to make music even if doesn't accomplish anything
most of those things can be percieved as attractive signs, anyway i bought 2 monsters one orange no sugar and the other is purple no sugar too i need a replacement for coffee but this shit has caffeine too

>top tier

Attached: 1652710134430.jpg (651x1024, 51.84K)


Very true, but the pussy isn't clean

>playing on a band

Attached: georgelucas.jpg (646x341, 51.33K)

Puta is definitely top tier pussy
>hot body
>hot face
>whore (makes it even hotter)

If I was Scott, you know the correct thing to do is go full Jimmy Page, Bowie, Presley, Berry. I'm talking about fucking that Chinese girl to sleep baby. Also, what a bozo for playing in a little shrimp dick indie band. If I was him, I'd focus more on putting on a show. That's right, just have a mediocre glam rock band that has swagger. Holy moly you know captain Canada would be swimming in Chinese spy pussy in weeks. Have mercy!

pussy guaranteed yeah.

>Top tier pussy,
yeah about that user that thing is probably touched more than a doorknob

>touched pussy = low tier pussy
What are you some type of pedo or incel? The most promiscuous women will give you a way better experience than a virg
Tight pussy only looks good in pictures

>t. only fucked roasties

It's not. It's a power fantasy for pathetic nerds who are too pathetic and nerdy to even self-insert as Spider-Man, as much of a pathetic nerd power fantasy as Spider-Man already is.

It's not a power fantasy he was very straight forward about his feelings with her not being afraid of getting rejected is attractive. Nerds fail with girls because they want 2 years to tell a girl they love her


That's part of the power fantasy.

4 years and a half and counting the wait..

Attached: pedrocover.jpg (1200x675, 66.41K)

>top tier pussy
winstead was the worst girl in that movie
julie is the patrician's choice

Attached: MV5BNmE3MzEwY2MtYjQ3Ni00YzJhLWE1MTktYTI4Y2FmYjY3ZTE2XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjQ4ODE4MzQ@._V1_.jpg (1920x1056, 1.1M)

was she in love with the prota? or why the hell was she trying to cockblock him so bad


back in the 90s maybe. nowadays good luck getting a gig anywhere and good luck getting anyone to show up.