Was Morrissey right about Kate Bush?

Was Morrissey right about Kate Bush?

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some fag that was trying to hook up with morrissey in the early 80's, apparently


Yes, he was. I'm surprised he still goes on tour to this day, i figure that he has enough money to stay in his house for the rest of his life

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Does Morrissey actually like anything? Whenever he's not making music he's just shitting on everything and everyone indiscriminately.

Snoy. He's talking about ps fans.

He does or did, check this He was a huge New York Dolls and Patti Smith fan

i like kate's voice
very pretty

Of course he was

here's his 10 favorite records

>4th: Ramones
what is his problem?

quintessential "i'm a huge faggot" core
holy shit

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he likes roxy music

iirc he named second roxy music album the only good rock album to come out of UK

yup yup

He was trying to spell "Sony" but didn't have his glasses on and added an extra "o" between the "n" and "y".

its Sonny. it's his letter to his son

>Climb up on my knee, sonny boy
>Although you're only three, sonny boy