I’m totally grieving, guys

>I’m totally grieving, guys

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What is grieving? I don't think I've ever done it because my brain weird or something.

If only you knew how bad things really are.

Live music is entirely about the persons appearance.
It's pretty disgusting honestly.

He killed millions.

I guess you could say he did the Grohlocaust

grohlnola bars

I hate this opportunistic fag and his fake nice guy persona so much it's unreal


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I kinda like Dave Grohl and his music but I hate his overexposure and how he's painted as some sort of rock god, Foo Fighters are an alright band but he's nothing compared to McCartney and Springsteen

1. It's been four months
2. Grieving doesn't mean you don't even have a single moment of respite
3. Either way he sucks and doesn't belong on a stage with McCartney

What if the overexposure and fake nice guy act is a psyop run by the (((music industry))) to turn people off rock music, Grohl is just another industry slave doing what his handlers tell him to do, and he's playing a role in the culture war against White people?

how is Paul still doing so well for 80yrs old

He's been rich as fuck since his early 20s. That helps.

Shut up schizoid

I'm in the same boat. I get sad and I may tear up a little bit but after a day or two my life is back to normal. my grandmother died a month ago and didn't feel anything about it and I did love her, but idk why I am fucked. and thru all of this, I cry for sports, movies and other dumb shit

Karaoke masquerading as culture for feckless people.

1. He makes his first appearance to be a rock star and sing a shit cover with the company man Beatle who is too old to play his guitar in time.
2. "Let me interrupt my grieving to shower myself in attention as a moments respite" KEK
3. The only person I can think of who offers even more impotent musical statements than Dave Grohl is Paul.

Yeah, fuck Paul

Paul's dead

>dave grohl being kinda lame is white genocide

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