Zoomers have ruined Aphex Twin

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cry about it

bruh that drink looks fucking vile

-he typed while crying

Don't worry, they will get bored of it after 3 days. Zoomers have the attention span of a goldfish.

Aphex Twin ruined Aphex Twin


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Bloodhound main here

She could've found it for way cheaper in great condition.

Any Forumstards said the same thing about silver mt zion when it was hiped among the tiktokers last year.

Stop promoting your tiktok, whore.

Aphex Twin has always been normie music

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CDbros, we're winning over the zoomers

If you were born before 1997 you would realize how absolutely retarded you are.

I dont think the zoomers are making the music, how are they ruining it?

>i DOnT ThInK tHE zOOmERs ArE MAKInG thE MusiC, HOw are They ruiniNG IT?

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Generations don't actually exist. They are constructs of the advertising industry.

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No I wouldn't

Come on little funny OP, come on, come on!

>zoomers can't into autechre and vsnares
actually based. fucking zoomies getting filtered hard.