Drummer is left handed

>drummer is left handed

Attached: F3F2B497-0646-4691-A922-BF0B6096EA2D.jpg (250x229, 5.87K)

>drummer doesn't even have a left hand

>drummer is one handed

Attached: 1494893155533.jpg (641x530, 40.79K)

>drummer is no handed

>drummer has down syndrome

Post another Pepe newshit.




>drummer doesn't have any drums, and plays guitar

Attached: trendy.png (245x197, 88.84K)

>drummer is left-handed
>plays open
>so actually leads with non-dominant hand
>no one knows or can tell the difference

>drummer plays with traditional grip

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dont be cringe trad grip is amazing for dynamics and speed

wrong. trad grip makes no sense on a modern drum kit, matched is far superior and makes a whole lot more sense mechanically. also less chance of injury
many great drummers who played or still play trad say they would start out matched if they could, or have made the switch to matched later on

unless you readjust and tilt your entire kit to work for traditional, it's inferior

>drummer is the singer

probably the worst trope

Can you imagine someone just... setting up their kit to match their playing style? Absolute madness.

Ask me how I know you got filtered by Sqiid and Death From Above

I like Death From Above, but come on it's a shit setup to watch live

reynols is the shit

it's still more impractical. for starters your reach is reduced in traditional grip compared with matched.
there is literally no benefit, there is nothing you can do with traditional that you couldn't do with matched. any argument of improved subtlety or dynamics is either placebo or just due to a poorly developed matched technique

the best argument against traditional is this: if it's superior - why does no one play both hands traditional? there's a reason no one does this. even great trad grip players are playing with their strongest hand "matched".

it also takes far longer to develop a trad grip than matched because it is a much more complex motion, add to that the increased risk of injury and there's no reason to do it

traditional only ever existed in the first place because of marching drummers needing to develop a method of playing with their drums tilted while moving, it makes no sense on a kit layed out horizontally in front of you.

obviously there are incredible traditional grip players, but look at their posture, they all have to drop their left shoulder to get a good angle, which is just bad posturally

>drummer plays minecraft

Attached: 1656104053198.jpg (1280x960, 157.61K)

>drummer plays the drums

Attached: penguin.gif (90x76, 53.38K)