Even gets the exact year correct

>even gets the exact year correct
How the fuck did he do it?

Attached: Nine_Inch_Nails_-_Year_Zero.png (300x300, 113.85K)

The writing has been on the wall for a long time

Give me a qrd

i push da button elect a office uhh hu huh uhuhuh
you push da button huhuhu hu huhuhu

>actually 2022
oh my god lol, i will be on the lookout for any giant hands

if you got jabbed you should, that was the (((government))) injecting you with nanobots so they can project blue beam your dumb ass

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>big Christian supermajority push before the current fossils in office would die out
>potential fire and brimstone approach by those in power (drumpy 2.0, "dark maga" lol)
>huge pushes to ban any sort of dissenting literature/media in schools
>church and state in jeopardy
>random DHS agents pulling protestors off the street in unmarked vans
>planet continuing to go underwater
>mass shootings all the time
>wiretaps everywhere
>UFOs confirmed real this year

All we need is a bomb at the Oscars and we're there

Does this mean YZ gets to be Any Forumscore again?


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This is a one time warning. Any further attempts to view, consume, or distribute un-american content will result in the loss of citizenship increments
and/or the imposition of fines, penalties, or imprisonment.

You have choices. Make the RIGHT ones.

Attached: us-bureau-of-morality-art-is.jpg (1332x850, 379.37K)

I'd say we're somewhere between -7 and -4 with a pretty good chance to skyrocket up to -2 at pretty much any point

Attached: Screenshot 2022-06-24 at 16-43-40 Another Version of the Truth.png (500x648, 556.55K)

This thing from the EP releases always made me think that another ARG was looming, I wonder if there was anything to it.

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did india launch the nukes and I missed it? lol

>may lead to unrealized expectations
It was probably bait from the beginning.

Not India and no nukes, but I mean hey...

Attached: Screenshot 2022-06-24 at 17-11-55 6s30js9g_vladimir-putin-health-afp-650_625x300_18_May_22.jpg (WEBP Image 1230 × 757 pixels).png (1230x757, 844.52K)

>puts on nine inch nails blasting
>reads blame! by tsutomu nihei
now that's a combo

He wrote this entire album as a middle finger to Republicans and Neoconservatism. Get the fuck out of here, you clueless zoomer prick

Oh my god I just realized.

>Less Than video
>all about Polybius
>An urban legend game that everyone wants but doesn't exist
>The game doesn't exist

Oh my fucking god Trent

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No shit, I'm guessing you just avoided any and all news today?

I've been doing that for the last 15 years. Are we talking about Juul pods or abortions?

It's SCOTUS discourse, gotta love it baby, Clarence Thomas is just a big Year Zero guy and needs the part 2 I guess