Be in the car with family going to a restaurant, each taking in turns to play a song

>Be in the car with family going to a restaurant, each taking in turns to play a song
>Desperately trying to think of anything they might like or at least won’t make fun of me for
>Ask for GY!BE - Storm, tell them it’s 22 minutes, but I only want the first 6
>Exactly at the six minute mark, just before the crescendo is about to pay off, the music is replaced by Michael Jackson’ Billie Jean
>“What the fuck, the song was literally about to end”
>He replies, ”You said 6 minutes, so I turned it off at 6 minutes”

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Autistic song choice for riding in the car user

>turning off that cringe shit as soon as possible
>replace it with MJ
Based family member

get fucked loser
next time pick a good song

Gotta have some self awareness man

Billie Jean is objectively a better song. Sorry nerd.

I mean, user, he literally just did what you said would be ok. Next time learn to count and ask for 6 1/2 minutes or whatever. You did this to yourself and you know it.

you failed to read the room. We've all been there. Take the loss and move on

People asking me about my music taste is my worst fear. It literally makes me want to cry.

You tried your hardest to think of something your normie family members might like and you picked GY!BE, of all bands?


Why? Why does it matter what people think? My favorite artists are Future, Black Magick SS, Lana Del Rey, Peste Noire, Power Trip, Florin Salam, Enforcer and Therion(there are many more but these are the ones that come to mind now). What do you like user?

Mate stop being a pussy. Unless you listen to something like sewerslvt I doubt your taste is that batshit. Are you just trying to make it sound so forbidden so your taste seems cooler than it actually is? I've had people walk in on me listening to avant-garde jazz, and no one actually fucking cares as long as your attitude isn't flimsy.

shoulda listened to bb gabor

OP is a fucking idiot

mah shoulda listen to bb poison

That's why you don't try and bond with NPCs

lmfao kekk yes

The rest of your family has my condolences

Id ask for some ABBA

Very cringe. Sorry user