So what is the best Black Sabbath

So what is the best Black Sabbath

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the first 5 are equally as good

>not first 6
Kill yourself

Vol 4

5, 6, 7,
same thing really

I post my fav here every day

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It's Headless Cross. Search your heart friends. You know it's true.

Sabbath Bloody Sabbath

Heaven and Hell

Master of Reality

BTFO melodic trad metal retards, this should not even be considered Black Sabbath.

Paranoid is the best Black Sabbath album

Master of Reality is more influential going forward, but that doesn't make it the best, MoR has a lot of filler while Paranoid is all business pretty much - even the novelty tracks are great and much better than the novelty tracks on other early BS albums

This is the right answer.

The first one is my favorite but Paranoid is the objective best.
Dio can suck a dick.

>MoR has a lot of filler
Embryo isn't even 30 seconds long, so it can't even be considered filler, and Orchid is arguably Iommi's best acoustic piece of the '70s. Oh no... don't tell me you got filtered by Solitude...


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paranoid android

This is the Black Sabbath canon, everything else is a Heaven & Hell or Iommi solo album, and not really worth mentioning

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