Monthly Shill Vote

*Please only participate if you are active in the shill threads*
Vote for your 5 favorite shills, based on music, artwork, lyrics, or whatever you like. No voting for yourself (if you can help it). Someone can add it up at the end, or we just get an idea for who is doing things that Any Forums likes.

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4.that soundcloud guy


>everyone votes for themselves

I think sound cloud plays speak fors

I guess we could all just post screenshots of our soundcloud plays and flex on each other.

1. My band
2. Kyle John Kenowski
3. Thomas Mills
4. Mollywhollop
5. Amalgam

Madach Ren
Lucid Liars
Mephisto Waltz
(In no particular order)


There's too many to pick my five favorites overall, but if we are talking about people who released stuff recently, I'd go:

- Sleep Year
- wrist
- Flower Children of the Apocalypse
- Liquid Grey Ice
- Madach Ren

I'd really love to hear news from Pretty OP, KNVS, Vaxio, Naturakwa, jetty, Neil Matthew Fox, Galantron, Bright White, Twig, Retrograde Amnesia and other people/bands I love, too

I think this board is full of incredible talents and I hope I can keep hearing great new stuff everyday.

>t. Martin Nilsen

I like Liquid Grey Ice’s stuff too. Only picking 5 is a challenge.


1. Mephisto Waltz
2. Liquid Grey Ice
3. DapMasterNasty
4. Gremlens
5. Dubbi

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1. Dapmasternasty
2. Mephisto Waltz
3. Martin Nilsen
4. Liquid Grey Ice
5. Gremlens


De Blimp made the shill AOTY

when is Mephisto Waltz gonna drop an album

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Anatomy of the Heads
S. Rabbit
De Blimp
Pony Soldier
Slave Beaver Revolt

De Blimp
Liquid Grey Ice
Slave Beaver Revolt
Madach Ren

>saving thumbnails

tits and ass work best when you're trying to get a reply

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I didn’t know that existed. Is there a yearly vote?

I wrote down everyone’s answer and I will remember this