Everything that ruined metal is documented in this one album...

Everything that ruined metal is documented in this one album. This album paints a picture of AC/DC shirt wearing pickup truck drivers heading to the meth house after swigging too much malt liquor while watching a marathon of Maury and Dog the Bounty Hunter. It's this single piece of drunken bafoonery that sapped all the creativity out of metal by showing people that they too can make money by playing groove based rock with faux-aggressive vocals and throwing pot leaf designs on t-shirts. It is the prototype for Korn.

Lyrically, everything that's wrong about metal now is found here. Phil Anselmo in all his heroin addled wisdom thought that, instead of coming up with something interesting to talk about, the mundane themes about the "tough street life" would resonate more with the hip-hop culture of mainstream America and, unfortunately, he was right. This was one of the key elements that were needed to allow angry suburban youth and meth head trailer park dwellers to relate with the stupidity of Pantera. All of these things are best exemplified in the after school special-isms of Walk and the cheap emotional appeals of This Love and Hollow. The f-bomb abuse suggests not a lot of time was spent on them, and feels more like something the Wu-Tang Clan would have come up with. The change to a more "urban" appearance in promo pics suggest about as much. These lyrics would make bands in the future reduce themselves to writing about mundane topics (the hood, street life) and shouting a bunch of disdainful words that mean nothing. It's just vague anger to "get people through a bad day", like the hip-hop or radio rock songs of the day.

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Nice write-up user, but all metal sucks

none of this shit is relevant to modern metal. quite the opposite, it's all technical wankshit with cringe nerd lyrics and titles

so you got bullied in school by guys wearing a pantera shirt

Metal would still be relevant if musicians were still making infectious, groove metal hits like Walk.

>one single retarded dumb riff repeated for 5:32 with a musical diarrhea disguised as a solo thrown in
Walk is the shittiest metal hit song ever

That riff fucking kicks ass. There's a reason why they carried metal in the 90s.

carried metal to the fucking grave, sure
no riff no matter how good it is deserves to be repeated for 5:32

Carried metal on their backs and kept it relevant.
And why can't you repeat a riff for that long? It works.

Fucking great album. Didn't know it made incels like OP seethe so much, makes me like it even more.

Attached: ww.jpg (750x627, 25.9K)

>And why can't you repeat a riff for that long? It works.
it works if you're a moron


>You like a cool riff, you're a moron. Wahhhh. Wahhhhhh.


Lol even fucking shit post metal bands like cult of luna or pelican have better riffs ans they're still trash

Ohh speaking of post metal, the first ever album to be called that came out at around the same time as vulgar display and has genuinely great riffs and is basically the oppoaite of everything op doesnt like with this album


pantera is crap yes, but not very influental crap.

Pantera has better riffs than your favorite band lol

My fav band is So idk. Try it, listen to it.
Also they toured together at the time. Think thats a fun fact

I give you ONE LAST WARNING you skinny pasty city boys. Yall say one more word about Pantera and I'll cave in your skulls. After that I'll feed you to my pitbull ( dog, not the raper ) we'll meet a in Dallas someday and you will pay the ultimate price

>After that I'll feed you to my pitbull ( dog, not the raper )
can I choose the rapper?

How many guys can you fit into a pantera shirt?