Is tool nu metal?

Is tool nu metal?

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Undertow is


What is it then?

Fettuccine metal

Is Tool metal new?

Progressive metal.
They don't really have any of the genre blending that nu metal bands have.

undertow is more hardcore than nu metal

I see... so tool is like gojira

I don’t know. It sure is boring though.

Dunno, never listened to Goiira.

Nu-prog rock

Its all ± same shit

OP needs to be exterminated like you would any kind of termite or roach

*systematically removed

Man i love Alex Grey art, i love Melvins and another artists in the same realm of Tool or bands who for sure inspired them, but those guys really suck right? super pretentious, they think they are super cool, with they artsy, metaphysical lyrics, using fibonnaci sequence to create melodies, they have everything to be good, good friends and supporters, good album covers, almost good themes, altought very pretentious, they act like they are uncovering the mysteries of the human mind and universe with their art, lmao.
but in the end they are just super bland, nu metal, trying to pass as legit with some technical proefficience, horrible emo whiny vocals, is so weird, i feel like i should like them, everything that envolves them is cool except for they music

Is there something wrong bro?

i find his lyrics actually less whiney than 99% of bands. I don't want to sound like a dick rider but I just think they understand how to make art. if you don't like the music I understand you got filtered. it happens

this song is so fucking metal shit hits so much harder than any core song I've ever heard

Tool falls under both Progressive and Alternative metal, mainly using alternative metal as their base and expanding it with proggy song structures.