You heard it here folks

Spaz is now as bad as the N word yo.

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Yo what up my spazzas

It is in the UK. The Spastics Society changed its name to "Scope".

Didn't work, kids just started calling each other "Scopeheads" instead.

I'm just so tired of this shit. Why did I have to be born into the one (1) era of modern history when people are so oversensitive and offended by everything?

The worst thing is I'm old enough to remember when things weren't like this. People weren't this gay about things back in 2012.

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She should change the title too because it excludes anyone who doesn't identify as a girl.

Your parents grew up in possibly the best time in human history to spend their youth while you get stuck with the tranny PC police and society praising joggers as heroes for looting everything in sight over a thug overdosing. Sucks doesn't it.

It’s gonna reach a head soon. Even normies are starting to feel negro and fag fatigue

Is that short for spastic cope? lel

trips of truth

No, I'm tired of hearing this shit for 5 years now.

Every year you people tell me "the pendulum will swing back soon!" "normies are getting tired of it!", and every year this doesn't happen, in fact shit just gets worse instead.

I feel like we have to just come to terms with the fact that wokeshit is here to stay. We are NEVER going to be allowed to go back to what society and culture was before 2016. We will NEVER be allowed to return to the post-racial, small-l liberal society that we grew up in as adolescents and young adults. We've lived through some kind of cultural revolution and things aren't just going to go back to normal.

white people are always trying to find some irrelevant bullshit to whine about. lizzo unironically did nothing wrong here this is just twitter sjws being retards (i'm sorry...spazzes...i'm sorry....intellectually challenged)

we should start an aggressive twitter campaign. think about how funny it would be if we made her rerecord the song again.

Just a reminder: you’re not obligated to give these people your attention. It’s not worth it.

I have to give these people attention because they redefined the entire world that I thought I understood and knew from my youth.

I'm only in my mid-20s, and yet the world that I grew up in no longer exists anymore. Things are so different, culturally speaking, from what they were 10 years ago. This shit isn't normal, man.

Hm this still exists, suck my spazstic penis nigger

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It's called the cultural revolution, you are like the bourgeoise living in China during the transition to full Maoism

It's really fucking weird to feel like this when you're the age I am. I shouldn't be feeling like an out of touch grandpa at the age of 25. I literally just have the exact same values and ideals that I had a decade ago, and yet they're already vastly outdated and condemned by society.

>Hm this still exists
not for long, chudcel :)
we're coming for everything :)

I'm only a year younger than you, and I largely agree. I did start noticing signs of this emerging around 2012-13 ish though, the whole progressive social justice whatever you want to call it thing. Trayvon Martin, Kony 2012, Ferguson type shit was getting going and the Tumblr gender stuff was starting to be big

>I did start noticing signs of this emerging around 2012-13 ish though, the whole progressive social justice whatever you want to call it thing. Trayvon Martin, Kony 2012, Ferguson type shit was getting going and the Tumblr gender stuff was starting to be big
You're right but back then, it was a fringe minority who believed that shit.

Remember when people used to say "Don't worry about what those weirdos on Tumblr say, they're just a minority who have no power in the real world. They'll grow out of it when they graduate and get jobs." I wonder if the people who said that shit will ever admit how wrong they were.

shut the fuck up spazz

Spazjannytrannies H A T E this

Find your tribe brother. That's my only advice.