Is teaching yourself piano a meme, or is it actually doable?

Is teaching yourself piano a meme, or is it actually doable?

Attached: pianolol.jpg (600x600, 38.83K)

Very doable
If you start at age 9

Yes retard, a lot of jazz musicians started mych later in life.

I tried and failed, but that's because I have no discipline. Now I have a piano that I barely touch. Maybe someday I'll resume learning

Just speaking from my own experience mang
Actually I don’t even know why I said 9 I probably started closer to 4

depends on how ngmi you are
you're never going to play like a concert pianist, but there are many many levels below that, and a lot of them are still good

Meh, I started at 16, using fucking Youtube tutorials and free courses, and I was able to learn quite a lot.

You will still eventually want a teacher tho. When a professional actually watches you play and is able to point out what you are doing wrong, it can really help you progress.

I learned about a minute of river flows into you in like a few hours as a joke

If you just want to play your favorite songs from le bideogames or shit like that. and generally, just play for fun, it is very doable.

Is there a site like ultimate guitar for piano?

why the FUCK would you want that? ultimate guitar sucks ass, it's like if /gg/ was a website

Yeah it’s called Synthesia

Doable but not if that piano is actual size unless you are still a fetus.

Oops I misunderstood disregard
Synthesia still super cool tho

OP if you want to learn the piano just do it, instead of wasting your time trying talk yourself out of it because you didn't start as a literal child. Play for yourself and for the joy of making music you don't need to be Beethoven to have fun playing piano, learn a few chords and scales and play when you've got the urge

Depends on how good you want to get.
Concert pianist level might not happen but I taught myself keys a couple years ago and have played live and jammed with other competent musicians. If you start putting in the time as soon as you can you will notice improvements

Synthesia is a dumb crutch that will just slow you down in the long run.
It's only good for the layman who doesn't really want to learn how to play piano and just wants to learn one or two songs.
Reading music isn't that hard.

you could look at it that way,
or you could look at it as a fun way of gamifying learning the instrument and just enjoy it because you don't give that many fucks about being a virtuoso in the first place

>gamifying learning the instrument
ngmi mindset

You can teach yourself any instrument, at any age. But you shouldn't.

>ngmi mindset
ngmi mindset

wait fu-

wow you repeated what i said good job retard
if you want to learn piano, just fucking learn piano, "gamifying" it or whatever is only going to make it harder for your ADHD ass to accomplish anything.

I know how to play piano lol I'm this guy you're just being an asshole whose mission it is to shit on everything in sight. if people wanna use a game to help them learn that's fine, you can't tell what's best for anybody else