What genres has the highest concentration of autism

what genres has the highest concentration of autism

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I worked with autistic people and they tend to like Top 40 music
but then again so do most people

[spoiler]also known as "spedcore"[/spoiler]

Why do these fuck heads feel it necessary to announce every thing going on in their personal lives online for the entire world to see. Someone needs to a take an acoustic guitar and smash it over this (probably larping) aspies head.

usually people on social media share things with people that follow them and somewhat care about them and they don't really expect their posts to end up on an incel imageboard nor should they have to consider it before sharing their thoughts
friendless user

IDM and other niche electronic stuff probably. Anything overly technical.
You're not wrong, but this guy is a musician with a bit of a following. I just checked and this nigga has "autistic" in his instagram bio. The other user had a point.

Oh fuck off. These kinds of labels are fashionable to people.

Okay but Striborg is legit retarded.

I am autistic and I make IDM so, can somewhat confirm.

I knew I recognized the name. Forgot I watched this garbage. This guy is awful.

just look up the Any Forums essentials.
t. bona fide autist

I actually like his black metal, despite how autistic it may be. However, ever since he went full "blackwave" it's just been too much to handle.

I really like xasthur and leviathan, will I like striborg?

Progressive Rock

you're right but read the question again
What genres have the highest concentration of autists. What you answered is "what is autists' favorites. You are right, the amount of retards singing that anaconda nikki manaj song in senior year before i dropped out was annoying as hell.

>being to retarded to finish high school

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why do people WANT to have things wrong with them? remember when people strove to be intelligent? now they strive to be mentally ill and genuinely retarded. all in the name of attention. let clown world fucking burn already

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>posts monkey dancing
>couldn’t even post a gif of a shirtless man instead


Can tell they’re psyched, dull idiots want to be autistic so bad. How long is culture going to be this boring, how many years of this new decade are shot due to 2010s spillover from millennials clinging to their youth and zoomers having no unique identity beyond an insane fear of missing out that just makes them throat whatever is shilled as important? This shit sucks.


Everyone these days wants to be considered a victim and receive reparations