You now remember Pitbull

You now remember Pitbull

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Sorry which faggot is this then?

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Ye intae Pitbull hen?

with a kodak

How can he be Mr. 305 and Mr. Worldwide simultaneously? Isn't that a lot to manage?

>implying I don't think about him doing a gig at an Alaskan Walmart every day

he went international but didn't forget his roots

They made an entire video game series about what he does when he's not making music.

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He's still looking good

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eatin them sammiches all the tiiime

Who's Dale?

Oh man the 2000s were a winter of culture
You know its bad when its obvious even without the gift of hindsight

Because culture is so great now right

Hes bald

Better than crunk and post grunge indie
My highschool years literally had the worst music in decades

I never forgot him

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Hollywood undead and brokencyde are better than like most music now

So you prefer soulless trap and indie pop lol