Its over

its over

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shouldn't have taken it.

Justin biber

this shit sucks. don't take your health for granted

isn't he avowedly christian? isn't this just part of god's plan for him then? it says his wife had blood clot complications in her brain so I assume that's part of god's plan too

looks like anti vaxers were right

the vax claims another

Never liked the guy but
>seems nice
>believes in God
>family man
Seems like an end of the era, but guess I wish him good

yes user, congrats. you realized that god is a cope. you realized that does god doesn't work in "mysterious ways" and that life can be tragic and random. now what? would you prefer everyone gives up and be miserable like you? do you want a trophy or something? ya fuckin midwit

wtf bros poor guy

who cares? also he's faking for publicity

i had shingles shit was whack

the weed in california sure do hit different though

read the book of Job. God doesn't owe you shit.

so what's the deal here?

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karma is a bitch

who said anything about giving up? there have been 200 years of literature of dealing with the death of god, 100 of which were about actively fostering meaning outside of religious conceptions of the world. this is like existentialism 101 that gets distilled in any intro to philosophy class. it's just curious to me whether bieber will come to terms with whatever happens to him right now really doesn't matter presumably if his soul is eternal

>God doesn't owe you shit.
dont say that shit to me. hes the one implying that his faith should have prevented this

>who cares? also he's faking for publicity
lol @ the vaxxiecope

then why are you mentioning god's plan at all. im assuming you were trying to be a smartass but if not, i take back my insults and welcome your futher explanation

his girl looks like more of a man than he does

God's Plan

She looks manlier than he does. wtf

That’s 100% a man

Just like I'm "faking" this nut in your mums butt lol

>Any Forums hating on a dude who just sings and takes care of his wife and kids
it's hopeless for yall

>isn't he avowedly christian? isn't this just part of god's plan for him then? it says his wife had blood clot complications in her brain so I assume that's part of god's plan too

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They hate everyone. This board fucking sucks

christians that are bounded to temporality when the soul is supposed to be eternal don't seem christian enough to me. why does suffering for, what, even a few decades, matter at all if you're supposed to have literally eternal, infinite paradise at the end of the ride? bieber and his wife's health complications are meaningless in the scope of that. strictly within christian logic itself, it seems irrational and unfaithful put any other way, so long as it's not at the expense of devout worship

I been moving calm don't start no trouble with me

>why does suffering for, what, even a few decades, matter at all if you're supposed to have literally eternal, infinite paradise at the end of the ride?
because we're still gods children, and still simple humans in comparison to god. we aren't equipped with perfect stoicism. so although we tough through our temporal pain, we still feel bummed out and suffer about it. notice how he's trying to stay optimistic and still remaining thankful and appreciative of his life even though he's in a rough spot right now. being a student and worshiper does not make you immune to pain and suffering lol it just means that you will try to persevere and have faith that god will see you through. and mind you, none of of us KNOW if god is real or not. thats what faith it. it could all be bullshit, but it's a beautiful way to try to interpret life.

his wife suffered a mini stroke recently as well. weird. kids, don't do drugs