Name of the band on her shirt?

Attached: image0.jpg (680x1789, 239.12K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Phoebe Bridgers


No, it's not that one

Probably some bullshit entry level garbage. Incantation, Power Trip, Behemoth, some bullshit like that


I searched but couldn't find a band called that with the same logo. Do you have a link?

It's definitely not entry level. I have listened to hundreds of bm bands I don't remember ever seeing that logo.

That's because they're not bm. They're "slamming deathcore" hahahaaha
You can see the logo here

Fucking awful. To be expected from a woman.

That's a dude

Wheres my thanks for finding the band you pathetic simp?

Why is metalcore always so bad?

it's not going to get you pussy bro

Good metalcore is some of the chaddest music of all time

it's not a bm style logo, it's def some flavor of death metal

Probably because you have only heard the bad ones

Thank you very much for finding it.

I was aroused not because a girl was wearing it but because it was bm style logo I hadn't seen before.

don't know how you would expect it to not be the black v-neck crab walk memes

The band doesn't seem to be on rym. Is there deathcore archives type of site?