Opinions on Phoebe Bridgers? Is she actually talented or just a pretty face?

Opinions on Phoebe Bridgers? Is she actually talented or just a pretty face?

Attached: phoebe bridgers.jpg (1440x1799, 187.13K)

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Can't believe she would murder her own child.


she is pretty hot but also insufferable

Almost as insufferable as these daily bait threads

lrn2catalog, faggot

Phoebe seems pretty nice

Attached: phoebe bridgers 2.jpg (352x1559, 43.09K)

Child murdering whore.


>pretty face

Attached: phoebejak.jpg (645x773, 31.97K)

is that that euphoria fag tranny?

no talent, no ass, no baby

I wish it was mine

She's neither

I look like this

Boomer humor
How old is she?

Thank you for your service, user


You can’t take the hoe out of phoebe.




Attached: 44ce2a2a148de5a3250d33072be1dc44.jpg (1080x1348, 119.61K)

Without these sort of antics nobody would talk about her like her music is starbucks ryan adams shit
imagine if julien baker started acting like this

you can't tell me that isn't Bladee

pretty bladee has like a year before he comes out
dude looks like tilda swinton

Attached: 7715e5e40cb86b0f53f27e0deb3b7102.jpg (736x829, 62.41K)

*pretty sure
but also correct lmao