This dude is good

This dude is good.

Attached: TimHenson_28525.jpg (1500x1394, 656.79K)

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Looks like a try hard faggot.

yes, yes... very good...

Attached: Triumph.jpg (740x480, 104.29K)

lol it's kinda pathetic I had this exact thought when I saw this thread

He sounds like a midi. Technically impressive, but zero feel.

Tim Henson would make a very good femboy

that'd be the first good thing he'd ever make

tim is this generations eddy van allen


He can try my hard on faggot

Post me one good song.

like from anyone or from tim

Johnny Greenwood if he was bussin

typical bugman guitar player
no ear, just muscle memory
should stick to starcraft apm

*frets out*

Nice piece but fairly faggy

tim is a guitar god

Is that why all of his songs is i - VI - iv - V7 in B minor?

Virgin hapa midi wanker vs the Chad Anglo blues student

Attached: 9B4A3811-BA22-4064-A7A9-3AC25D22008A.jpg (894x830, 109.23K)

Completely soulless, just like plenty of "virtuoso"s.

I think it's weird how much this dude looks like Elliot Rodger.

kek, not gonna be able to unsee that now

>Hey guys, people liked G.O.A.T. what if we did that again but acoustic?