I'm making an interactive music site where people can share music with others in real-time, among many other things...

I'm making an interactive music site where people can share music with others in real-time, among many other things. (Both music they've made and just any random music in general.)

Does anyone have any suggestions for features? I'm willing to add basically anything, including performing/producing, real-time collaboration, audio visualization, and crowdsourced review systems for quick feedback. Feel free to suggest any idea you can think of, even if you think it may not be possible. Including seemingly pointless joke features, as long as you think someone might derive some amusement from it.

Web browsers have good high-performance support for MIDI controllers, audio synthesis, DSP, pitch detection, etc., so there aren't really any limits.

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It would be kinda funny if there was a website where each person’s profile image could be edited by other users. I don’t know if this already exists, I don’t use much social media.

That's a really funny and good idea, but I don't currently plan on adding support for profiles or usernames. I like full anonymity. (There will still be a fair bit of moderation, though, so it's not going to just be Any Forums.)

I might add it as an optional thing in the future, I suppose.

Well, maybe people could post up their bands on some sort of an index page, and then users could create avatars for them or something.

Cool, I'll probably borrow that idea, but probably with a twist of providing more creativity opportunities for non-musicians (or just bad/bored musicians, lol) by allowing people to easily replace any uploaded song/clip's default placeholder thumbnail with some art they made or found. Maybe Wikipedia-style, so anyone can edit and overwrite anything at any time.

Cool. Also, maybe a voting system if users want to hear collabs between artists.

Dude this is a great fuckin idea. I look forward to seeing you in a Forbes list. Also pls get this done I want to use the site

Thanks. An early version will probably be public within the next 2 - 4 weeks.

Nice can I get in on this monetarily, like I pay you and you cut me in on ownership

Not interested in taking any investors, but thanks. I'd like to retain sole ownership.

sections of organized samples, hats claps kicks
rooms, perhaps a q to join with 1-3 others, like league ive got drums mics need bass and keys/guitar

>:( oh well I tried at least. I think if your site gets users it will be a massive success. If you ever reconsider, make another thread

Oops didn’t mean to greentext just meant a sad/mad face

fascinating idea. i would say livestreams like the twitter spaces thing but with video. also make it crypto funded and have it so its like a tinder thing for musicians like vampr where you could just figure out where the musician is from your area or not

Add some big booby pictures or something nerd

also it would be interesting if you could have seperate video chats and text chats that would be very original. so text chats could be just a simple DAW with other people in a text room (could be private or public)

Maybe something like what YouTube used to have with some human-reviewed featured songs on the homepage.

Can you make it so it works on iOS

Kareoke korner

>sections of organized samples, hats claps kicks
>rooms, perhaps a q to join with 1-3 others, like league ive got drums mics need bass and keys/guitar
Interesting. I'll think about this.

>fascinating idea. i would say livestreams like the twitter spaces thing but with video. also make it crypto funded and have it so its like a tinder thing for musicians like vampr where you could just figure out where the musician is from your area or not
I don't think I want to do video streaming/sharing. It's a music app, not a camsite. I think it'll always only ever be text- and/or audio-only. Maybe with 2D or 3D avatars of some kind at some point, I suppose. I'm also not trying to make it location-centric in any way; I want the collaboration to happen over the internet, rather than just making it a place for musicians to try to find other local musicians. (That would be insanely hard to do anyway, since network effects would prevent anyone from using it for ages.)

>also it would be interesting if you could have seperate video chats and text chats that would be very original. so text chats could be just a simple DAW with other people in a text room (could be private or public)
Yeah, something like this is pretty close to one of the things I have planned.

>Maybe something like what YouTube used to have with some human-reviewed featured songs on the homepage.
I like that.

>Can you make it so it works on iOS
I'll do my best. It'll be web-only, and Safari is notoriously kind of shitty, but we'll see.

>Kareoke korner
Good idea.

>It's a music app, not a camsite
I think in terms of a UI something simple like just a mock multitracker could be really effective. Like the other user said you just get a small room with a couple others, with like 4-8 tracks at your disposal.
To keep things simple you'd then just consolidate multiple tracks down to one rather than endlessly adding tracks, I'm no expert but I feel like that'd help keep the overall project sizes smaller as well as keeping with the retrofag theme.

I think you're definitely getting a lotta spergs excited with this idea. If you set up a simple donation link whenever you have a prototype going I know I'd throw some dosh at it when I'm liquid (without demanding a stake in your livelihood).

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