My favorite album of all time is Master of Puppets by Metallica

>my favorite album of all time is Master of Puppets by Metallica
What type of person do you imagine?

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Someone who's 16 years old

AJFA is so much better not even joking

Sweaty, acne-covered, patchy long hair with peach fuzz facial hair, and a jean jacket with patches on it, but because he is so scrawny the "badass" look he's trying to give off just shows how much of a fucking pussy he is.

52 years old, says he's a metalhead, hates anything recorded past 1986

It's almost objective at this point.

a forty something year old dude who had a rough patch when he was young but is now in pretty good shape and runs his own canoe rental business

a normie with no sense of taste or who listens to "FUCKIN THE BEST!!!!" music but in fact the most pop album by X band
you are a boring person with whom it is impossible to discuss music as part of human culture, although you will expose yourself as an "expert" anyway

came here to post this

MoP is ok
Justice fucking sucks

True men prefer Megadeth

a faggot who jerks off too much idolizes the god-tier down picking stuff james does so he emulates it on his cock.

Kill Em All is top tier metallica

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Someone that genuinely likes music, is not trendy normie, and has above average IQ. I don't even like Metallica all that much, but it's still better than any popular music nowdays.

Someone with pretty decent (if unadventurous) tastes, actually.
Cope. It's not only the worst of the first 4, it's the worst of the first 5.
Don't @ me, justicecels.

This album is the Nirvana "Smells like Teen Spirit" of heavy metal. It brought heavy metal to its knees, and castrated it mightily. It is, then, by definition, the most damaging, counterproductive, and overrated LP ever to be released. Even standing it up on its own, and not letting it poison the minds of those that came after it, I wouldn't even put it in the top 10 most influential thrash releases of 1986... it's easily killed by the unholy trinity of Darkness Descends, Reign in Blood, and Pleasure to Kill, which pushed the envelope of metal in three different, related directions. It's not anywhere nearly as enjoyable as expatriate Mustaine's Peace Sells, which was technically brilliant and a whole barrel of fun too, or as dark as Possessed's sophomore effort, or Sepultura and Sodom's full-length debuts. It's not nearly as punk-as-fun as Nuclear Assault's first. Then I could throw in fifteen, if not fifty, other backwash thrash LPs that did nothing for the genre as far as influence goes, but are still a whole fuckload more enjoyable than this one.

someone with bad taste because there are 4 better albums by this band alone


either some average person who doesn't listen to much music but is pretty chill, or an acne-infested 40 year old basement dweller who's probably genuinely retarded and spends 70% of his awake time online trying to prove how much better his music taste is than everyone else's

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encountered this archetype for the first time this weekend and it couldn't be more true. They pushed to the front of the crowd 6 hours before Metallica went on, refused to let anyone pass by them, and then got pissed when people tried to enjoy the other acts. And even when Metallica started playing they got pissed when anyone in their vicinity tried to have a good time. I was way in the back and some guys were trying to lightly mosh and some Metallica mom came over to them and told them to stop because of the children nearby. Another dude was trying to crowd surf and soon as he got down he was sucker punched by a Metallica fan. Also what the fuck is up with Metallica parents bringing their toddlers and infants to these concerts? It felt like I was at a daycare.

Is there something like this, but for Opeth fans or prog fans during a metal concert?
Kek, every single time when I see someone during a concert with their toddlers or really small children, they're wearing a Metallica shirt. Not only them, but the kid as well. The child doesn't even care about them, I don't get why they want too impose this band upon their kids. Let them discover what they truly like later, band t shirts for children are cringe as fuck.