Does she deserve to be names along the best female singer songwriters ever like Kate Bush or Bjork or Joni Mitchell?

Does she deserve to be names along the best female singer songwriters ever like Kate Bush or Bjork or Joni Mitchell?

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she was only a tiny bit creatively relevant circa 2012 and even then she was never anything significant in the long run

Not really since she's better than them.
Maybe Bjork is close but Kate Bush in nigh unlistenable and Joni Mitchell has been overrated her entire career.


Spotted the brainlet.

I know what I like.

I've had Michell shoved down my throat my entire life. Kate Bush came later when my friends all discovered her while we were on a Peter Gabriel binge.

I can't listen to either of them. There's nothing in there for me. Doesn't "click." Meanwhile I liked Art Angels on the first try.

Who cares we're all going to die and none of this is going to matter

Talk about a tallest dwarf contest



You have garbage taste faggot


wow, an NPC in its natural habitat... unaware of its situation

Maybe if she continued making good music
too bad she hasn't made anything good since Visions which was literally 10 years ago

Fun fact: her Wikipedia article literally says she started sucking when she stopped doing drugs

Maybe if Miss Anthropocene wasn't so mid

Did you miss Art Angels being a boring pile of shit?

Nah it fucks hard

No idea who all of them even are.

lmao no. Visions into Art Angels is maybe the biggest downward leap in album quality I can think of. Her first 3 are her only good albums.

She suck balls. Just casual remix makes her shit 1000 times better.

Overrated and her career has peaked. It's all downhill from here.