DADDY neely

DADDY neely

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>Music theory is racist.


missed the point

Why are music majors obsessed with black people?

because jazz is based

jazz is just a bastardization of waltz

Urgh *Jazz*

All major developments of jazz were made by white people

good reference
other anons would think you were serious

revisionists are such interesting people

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The history of American music is basically "black people do something that sounds a little different somewhat, then white people take it and innovate it to its full potential, then music historians give black people all the credit."

very progressive of you to consider jews white

white people made it palatable to other white people, which is perfectly fine and how 100% of appropriated music around the world is done. Very important distinction to make.

You just admitted they are the pioneers.

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>chuds and troons try to do literally anything without sperging about race challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)

Classical music is white supremacy

chuds started it
as always

you're equally insufferable

i agree with you bro race is fake and gay we should just chill out and smoke weed and jack off to porn and listen to globohomo music propaganda everyday 24/7