Says Nigger in multiple songs

>Says Nigger in multiple songs
>Made a straight up pedo song
>Repeatedly said “Faggot”
>Made out with hundreds of minors at shows
>Lyrics like “I’m about to take a stance, in your children’s underpants”
How did this motherfuckin freak get away with it so long?

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because people in the 90s/00s weren't complete and total pussies and could handle people saying words

you want to cancel a washed out, irrelevant rock star who mostly faded into obscurity? be my guest ???? anyways i love msi

He is jewish.


>literally made out with children
>"calm down! it's just words! gosh millennials are so sensitive."

>THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!!!!!!111!!11
literal faggot detected

>”Cum on me Ferguson come on and ride me now”
What the fuck? He was referencing that kid from Clarissa Explains It All

Kill yourself degenerate

>”Let’s go to the mall, pick up some kids, and spread some diseases, cause I got the balls, all of them knew, most people with nuts don’t know how to squeeze them”

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>Kill yourself degenerate

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>implying his autism would allow him to do any of that

Your punishment will come. Yours will be a violent death

>Darling young boys
All over my mind
Darling young boys
Never too good for me
You're never too good for me
Too good for me

>You're always so lovely
And never too good for me
I never got past this scene
You're never too good for me

He really had zero fucks given. Wow.

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Wow, I fucked up the green text. Kek

>POV: You are a 15-year old girl who "won" a contest to see Serj Tankian and James Euringer of the popular solo project "Euringer"

Attached: serj-tankian-jimmy-euringer.png (640x374, 187.75K)

Why would a 15 year old girl be into Euringer

He literally dated one when he was 27

What song?