Musicians who started "late"

I'm 23, I've been grinding technical musical skills in my moms basement for a while, I need hopium though. I tell myself to "trust the process", and that one day, with enough work, I'll be good enough at singing, songwriting, production and instrumentation to have music I would want to listen to. Will I be too late if I become a master of this shit at 30?
Post artists who "made it" in spite of not starting young.

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these days? all of them now get back to work you’ve plenty of time
what do u wanna do u know yet?
u wanna be serious! start acoustic work your way digital
learn and love the old shit
and make something new
also this one is very important, more so than you probably realize after being baited so hard, but realize what i hear when i hear the good music now? sacrifice
nothing comes for free user, you know it has to be this way

what did it cost? everything.
if you want to you will know what this means and you will smile when u say it to another

Serj Tankian of SOAD didn't really get started until he was around 26 or 27, with the album toxicity releasing when he was 30, which is what made them famous. Michiro Endo, vocalist of the Japanese punk band The Stalin started when he was 30, they're legendary in Japan, thought a little unknown in the west. There's tons of other examples really.

oh yeah also the game starts at 30 don’t get baited just prepare
find me a millionaire producer under 30 right now
you will not

I’m a little jealous of people who have a mind for music because I’m just too filtered by it. I love analyzing literature and plays but when it comes to music my critiques pretty much boil down to “that sounded pretty cool”

I'm 28 and the wheels are just starting to spin for me
You got this OP. Just keep going

think about it like this
most people starting young don’t continue as a career and those that do often never have another option
everyone today making a living didnt have a teacher, made the decision, for themselves, to get good, and did it
it’s not handed to anyone, nothing is and you’ve been fooled into thinking otherwise
especially with something like music
now, go, bring me the voice of the echoing depths so i can again drop my knees into what is this time your beat
which will have a kick drum, and percussion, and something in the middle
is it science or art or destiny
nobody knows and nobody cares now get me the noises so i can get my moneys worth once a year

that's like perfect age wtf.

David Byrne started the talking heads when he was 23, it's all over for OP.

did david byrne ever post on Any Forums? no? wait, is that a strawman? are you one of those strawman bots?

OPs on a road to nowhere, come on inside.

i like this road outside here sir but you enjoy your building

I don't know what your aspirations are, but i'm also trying to do something in music, and i know i will do it. I have 0 plans to "make it", as in becoming famous or anything like that, i just love playing music, composing it, maybe writing lyrics for it and singing them at some point in the near future. And i will do just that. If that leads to me "making it" i will be the most surprised of anybody. So far music hasn't been more than a hobby for me.

I'm not afraid of production because let's be real, if you have ears and a brain, you can do it. Singing is heavily reliant on what your voice sounds like so if you don't think it's anything special you're just gonna have to accept that that won't be the most interesting thing about your music. Same for lyrics, i don't know what themes you want to talk about but it's not like most music has incredible lyrics. You're not as limited by natural talent here so you should definitely try a lot harder than for singing, but tons of people do it just as an afterthought.

footnote: my favorite guitarist started playing guitar at 17 and recorded his first album at 23, which he doesn't even acknowledge because it kinda sucked, and went on to be considered the greatest guitarist of all time by anybody who has heard him play. he also made his best album when he was 54. i don't expect to do 5% of that because he's also an extraterrestrial talent and was taught music since childhood by his equally talented (and completely unknown) father, but if the greatest ever didn't do the first thing that he was proud of until he was about 30, i'm not too worried because it's clearly not dependent on age.

Finneas. Billy Eyelish's brother and producer

well, you know how that one person made it
any other examples?

we also know his music while curious zoomer pop is also not exactly good so much as trite
i’m not dissing the guy just yo we know about the connections man, there from the beginning
we could even maybe dabble into collier territory here but that’s an even worse story
what you’re seeing young are the privileged and identified cash cows for labels, not the guys building up
the producers, behind major label records,
and you need to know things are very different now yes? it’s nonsequiter tier to compare to even rock bands from the 90s

now i’m not saying he didn’t work and earn it, i am saying he wasn’t born poor, neither of them were, and as such have had advantages in timeframe
but the strongest arg against finneas is that its well it’s not bad but he’s not old enough to make it good
it’s just straightforward and curious but dies fast
he’s no max martin, because he’s fuckin 24
compare max tracks, nsync and britney to ariana and katy perry
like the depth there is enormous

Trent reznor, rivers cuomo

if you’re not prepared to go down with the ship it won’t float and if it did it would probably go down anyway
because fuck you

That whole family lies about their ages. That what you do when you have a showbiz mom

James Murphy