Tr-traditional grip is very useful and isnt a waste of time to learn for flat surface drums because...

>tr-traditional grip is very useful and isnt a waste of time to learn for flat surface drums because... because it just is ok??

do snaretards really?

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Other urls found in this thread:

and yes i know how to do the traditional grip. i can say from experience it literally does not help in any way and is a waste of time

I learned to paradiddle in like 2 minutes
Its not hard

I miss /drum/ so much.

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We had a good thing going and it was killed by anti-anime redditors. Guess it was a canary in the coalmine for the whole place.

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this has got to be one of the mot stupid takes out there (and pic rel is dumb as shit)
traditional is cool as fuck because of the amazing amount of power and speed it allows, using the hand as a fulcum. its probably unrivalled in what it easily, naturally, and gracefully allows a drummer to do. sure other grips can do whatever - doesnt change my respect for traditional. i havent practiced incoporating it into my playing, just has never been a focus, but still i find it utterly amazing.
i did once get kicked of drum discord group for saying this and laughing at the mods and founders who were all like OMG traditional will ruin your body like holy kek call gene fucking krupa and tell him to watch out
silos are so fragile these days

If you're wondering where content went, content creators got chased off.

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anime trashed that thread up
anti-anime drum poster was and remains based
there is no one stopping you from making drum threads but your self

lol bitch go post k-on in a kpop thread holy shit

You aren't teenaged. You aren't a girl.

lol, "gee, I wonder where the toxicity that killed /drum/ came from?"

Thank for your little demonstration.
Back to your discord now.

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Still REEEEEEEEEing after all these years.

you mean this guy? yeah seems so

I just spent 2.2k on a Roland TD17-kvx
Did I make a good decision or fuck up

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frankly pataflop taco truck whatever the fuck posts were the best posts in those threads, so not really sure why you think anything other than the anime was toxic and still, no one has ever stopped you from making a drum thread and your bullshit about being a content creator is nonsense.

Have you ever been happy?

all the time
not sure why not wanting to have to see your anime every time i want to talk about drums would suggest otherwise?
and yes the pataflopfloponyour momma were the best posts in those threads and you know it

have some drums, uh sorta drum thread


I'm just an outside observer here who used to post a lot on /wpop/ before it really went to shit permanently, but it seems that this person who likes to post anime girls is intentionally doing it to annoy you because he enjoys making others feel negative emotions. He might be one of those guys who grew up thinking that any attention was good attention when he was a kid.
Best thing to do? Hide his posts and never respond to them.
As for drums, I enjoy the drumming of Shayna Dunkelman.

na, i dont really think hes a troller - hes a true believer.
his cartoons dont reeeeeee anyone.
but it would really be a shame to try to silo drum discussion inside an anime kpop style cartoon discussion.
/drum/ threads were fun, but if he wants to k-on sperg he can make a cartoon drummer thread while the rest of us looks for Frankie Dunlop tracks to share.

It doesn't matter how you grip.