There's a /metal/ general

There's a /metal/ general.

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The only genre that matters. Name another genre that has existed at least 52 years, that gets 300+ comments on every thread.

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This isn't bait.

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Jacob Collier

love the trolling my guy if you get band just know that i appreciated it even if noone else did

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>he thinks I'm trolling

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yeah and 80% of the posts are made by 3-5 people. metal is the biggest autism magnet in music

That's what I figured

No thats noise and all its subgenres

And no alt general

noise is pseud magnet

*metal and kpop are the only genres that matter

Alternative rock

It’s more like /NSBM/ general atm. Has been for a while.

I exclusively listen to classical music and metal and regularly only visit the two generals.


Delete this thread

They call me a faggot for liking glam metal.

this is on Any Forums my friend

Frogs don’t listen to music, user. Go back.

you dont know that

>he doesn't know about frusic

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>there are two pop generals clogging up the board
>where they coom to pics of cosmetic surgery disasters and roasties
>they have nothing whatsoever to do with music